From Points to Power-Ups:

How Gamification Can Level Up
Your User Experience

A Presentation for Fleurix Lite 2021

Braelyn Sullivan

Brown-haired female in a black and white shirt

Games are Universal

What is Gamification?

Gamification is the process of applying game mechanics to any non-game activity.

Game Mechanics
Non-Game Activity

Game Mechanics

    • Points
    • Leaderboards
    • Achivements
    • Levels
    • Competition & Challenges
    • Power-Ups

    Spectrum of Activity

    Pain Squad

    How Gamification Works

    • Intrinsic rewards for progress and performance
    • Creates feedback loop of achievement
    • Distraction from tedious tasks

    Other Examples

    • Foursquare
    • Duolingo

    When should I Gamify?

    The application has:

    • Real-world outcomes & consequences
    • Tasks and processes that already exist
    • A need for engagement or motivation

    Technical Considerations

    Design, Develop & Test

    Designing Gamification

    1. Keep the game elements relevant to the task
    2. It doesn't have to be elaborate or difficult
    3. Account for the learning curve

    Developing Gamification

    The Good News: You can use a lot of the same development skills you already have to build gamification.

    The Bad News: Things like page load, performance speed and well-structured code become much more important.

    Testing Gamification

    • Higher reliance on manual testing
    • People are going to try and cheat the system
    • Beyond usability and functionality, you'll also be evaluating repetability and fatigue


    Thank you!

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    Game Development




    Continued Reading

    Actionable Gamification: Beyond Points, Badges, and Leaderboards

    Technically Wrong: Sexist Apps, Biased Algorithms, and Other Threats of Toxic Tech